Saturday, February 21, 2009

Sad Songs

I don't know what my deal has been this weekend, but I've just been in a funk. There's really no reason for this. My life is fantastic right now. And I actually had a pretty good weekend, spent with people I genuinely care about. I guess I just needed a sad day (or two) to counteract all the happiness I've felt in the past month or so. I'm actually not an Elton John fan (at all!), but this song fits my mood perfectly tonight. It’s funny because I even have a playlist on my iPod for days like these. It's called (you guessed it!) "Sad Songs." It's full of all the depressing songs that make me want to curl up in a ball and cry the night away. I haven't listened to it in a while but may need to tonight so I can release all of this negative energy. I’ll be fine in the morning.

Girls: Don’t deny the fact that you know just what I’m talking about - sometimes you just need a good cry.
Guys: Yes, we’re all crazy. There, I said it.


Yangster said...

I totally get you on this. I cry just to get a release and then it's all good. Enjoy all your blessings. Miss you. Glad u had a great weekend ;)

Chrissy said...

yep. although I hate the thought of you (or Linda) crying all by yourselves... I definitely have had my share of days such as these.

sara elizabeth said...

seriously, every song you post on facebook makes me wanna cry. but, i understand it's what you need & everybody needs a good cry every once in a while.

Rebex said...

Thanks girls. Chrissy, not to worry - no crying actually occurred. Ha ha! I found the source of my funk, talked it out, and am feeling great now. Once again, all is well in the world. :)

Stillman and Michelle said...

I use to have these. Now I have days when I cry just because I am too overwhelmed. Have you ever seen that Everybody loves Raymond episode where she wants to have a sad day! It's so funny! Hope you get out of your funk soon.