Thursday, March 19, 2009

My Best Friends: My Sisters

My sister, Heather, came for a visit this week. That meant that four out of the five sisters were here. It was fantastic! (We missed you, Rachel.) I don't know how other families are, but when we girls get together, it's complete chaos. We always end up staying awake until the wee hours of the morning (the magic time this week was 4:30 am) talking, laughing, and crying until our throats and sides are sore. There was more crying than usual this time (three out of the four of us were a bit emotional), but it was nice to have each other to lean on. I miss that. I miss reminiscing about old times and making fun of our "whiskey tango" childhood. I miss having people around me who love me unconditionally; people who know who I was but still love who I am. I sometimes wonder how we all turned out so normal, considering some of the crap we went through. I feel grateful I didn't have to go through as much as my older siblings, but I'm happy for the lot I was given. I'm a stronger person because of it, and I don't regret a thing. Ok, maybe that's not the complete truth. But...I have learned from it all, and I try to use that in times (like now) when I don't feel quite so strong. I'm learning to find strength within myself. But when it's difficult to find that strength, it's nice to know I have four wonderful friends I can turn to: My sisters.

PS: I hate this picture of me, but it's the most recent picture I have of all of us


katieg said...

Now that is a wonderful picture! Family always lifts our spirits and keeps us going. Glad you had so much fun and so litte sleep =0)

Stillman and Michelle said...

Is That Heather's wedding. Wow she looks different. Maybe it's just the picture. You guys look beautiful.

Alexa said...

Ha, ha, I'm not sure that 4:30 counts as a wee hour of the morning! I'm glad you had such a good time together!

Yangster said...

awww that is so sweet. No wonder you were MIA this week. I have seven sisters and we do the same exact thing. Good times and good memories. You guys look beautiful and I'm so happy you have a great family.

Brittany said...

Hi Bex! I read your blog from Chrissy's! I like this sister post, and it's a great picture of you guys! I'll email you an invite to our blog :)