Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A beautiful kind of love

When I showed up at my sister’s house on Sunday night for dinner, my three-year-old nephew, Liam, raced in from the other room, screaming my name with delight. He barreled into me, tightly wrapped his little arms around my legs, and kissed my knee. Beaming up at me, he exclaimed, “I’m fast! Watch me! I’m so fast!” With that, he ran back into the living room. I figured that would be the last time he’d acknowledge me until dinner. To my surprise, though, he snuck up behind me just a few minutes later and started hugging and kissing me again. I, of course, loved every minute of it; nothing is sweeter than hugs and kisses from one of my nieces or nephews. Part of me wondered if he had forgotten that he already greeted me at the door, but I didn’t mind the extra affection.

My youngest nephew, Austin, is about 20 months old. I picked him up to give him a hug and kiss, and he responded with the kind of smile that would soften even the grumpiest of hearts. Then when I asked (multiple times, I might add), “Can I have another hug?” he giggled and quickly complied, sometimes even adding a kiss. He is precious. He always lets me hold him as long as I want, as does my niece, Sarah. When I visit, she usually spends every moment either by my side or somehow demanding my attention. It’s so sweet and makes me feel important…and loved. But I digress.

About fifteen minutes after I had arrived, Liam came up to hug me a third time. I looked down at that sweet little boy and realized I hadn’t felt that kind of love in a long time. Without saying a word, I lifted him into my arms and held him close to my chest, his head resting on my shoulder. After a moment he looked up at me and said “I love you too, Becky!” I hadn’t even said anything, but he knew what I was feeling.

Liam’s affection melted my heart. How can this little child have such a strong comprehension of what love is and how to express it? How come I, with my 20-something years, am so far behind him? What did I do to deserve such love? Did I earn it, or does he just love unconditionally? Liam’s is the kind of love you absolutely know is true because three-year-olds can’t be forced to do anything, even give hugs. I quickly learned that when I was leaving: I guess I’d maxed out my “hug quota” for the night because he didn’t even want to say goodbye. That small “rejection” (if you want to call it that) made his earlier affection all the more special to me; I knew he meant it. His love is the most beautiful, purest kind of humanly love there is…the kind I’m not sure I know how to give.


Chrissy said...

Oh Bex... you are beautiful. And a wonderful writer!

The post reminds me of the quote i recently read about viewing others as if they were children. I think the lack of inhibitions that children have is one of the most refreshing things on this Earth. I wish I could just run up to my loved ones, hug them for as long as I wanted, and tell them I love them without any sense of awkwardness or insecurity. So pure. I love it.

Yangster said...

you got a blog and didn't tell me?!?!?!?! well, i'm glad u did cause it gives me more of an insight to you. It is so weird sometimes to think of my friends and little kids. that is so not a part of our world that it is nice to know you in a different element. keep up the blogging. ive been slacking but you inspire me to continue.

Zach O. said...

can i just throw out a dudely welcome to the blogging world. good times.

Rebex said...

Thanks for the warm welcome, my fellow bloggers. Your comments made my day! :)

Unknown said...

that is really sweet...:) I have to agree with you - little children remind you of the purest and best aspects of life. they are purely innocent and have no fear of letting out what they truly feel. it is such a beautiful thing. I know I have those kind of experiences with Dana every once in awhile - actually more like every day but only every so often I truly stop to think about them and smile.

Rebecca Foster said...

That was so sweet to read. Thanks for sharing. And I think you are a very loving person! You have always been that way to me.